"Now I say that with cruelty and oppression it is everybody's business to interfere when they see it."

~Anna Sewell

Monday, February 9, 2009

Someone needs to go back to kindergarten.

Quoted from the add:

"Standerd fancey hamsters 5.00 with cages

Girbals With Cageds 10.00 tall cage"

Good lord. The dumbest boneheads on the planet post on Craigslist. The last one might be a typo, but Jeezus.

And it sounds like they have lots of little critters they're trying to get rid of. Is keeping the boys away from the girls a foreign concept to them?

Why would anybody have that many hamsters?

And they're asking ten bucks for the gerbils. They live like two years and who knows how old they already are. You could get them home and they'd die in a week. There's ten bucks down the toilet. Well, at least you got a cage out of the deal. A crappy little glass cage.

There's a forehead slapper for you.

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