"Now I say that with cruelty and oppression it is everybody's business to interfere when they see it."

~Anna Sewell

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Cultural tradition" my arse.

Today's topic has been eating away at my conscience for some time now. This is seriously why I'm ashamed to be a human. Just piling on more reasons why I've given up on humanity. I think it would be nice if the the lowest human beings on the planet would just disappear. Isn't that everyone's dream come true?

Well, this is what's bothering me.

In a lot of Hispanic countries, specifically Mexico, Argentina, and pretty much anywhere you go in central/south America, the way they treat most animals could be called barbaric. The way they "break" horses in Argentina makes me want to throw up.

Doesn't this look humane? The colt/filly is strapped to a post while the tack is put on, then the rider just hops on and starts beating welts into the horse while it's thrashing and bucking like a maniac. They literally beat them until they're exhausted and their spirit is broken. That's a fantastic way to ruin a horse right there. And they see it as an important part of their culture. It's absolutely criminal. It should be illegal. Fucking heartless bastards.

Then there's horse tripping in Mexico. I didn't believe it when I first heard about it. This makes me sick. What would possess any kind of decent human being to intentionally rope a horse around its legs and watch it crash to the ground? They do it for sport. They have little kids in the audience learning that it's amusing to watch a horse fall and break its neck. They're creating more monsters that'll grow up to do the same thing. They should all be ashamed. Horses die in Mexican rodeos all the time. I can't understand how these people scream and laugh at the "thrill" and "entertainment" of it. This is what evil is. And it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. They're all a bunch of savages. They crawl out of every crack like roaches. They don't seem to have any regard for animals' lives, so why should I think of them as human beings?

We've all seen what bullfighting looks like. Disgusting, yes? I hope you think so, because if not, I truly hope you die of a very slow, painful disease.
Look at this poor creature. Exhausted, terrified, soaked in his own blood and in agony. And the crowd yells in excitement at the carnage. How do matadors live with themselves? Do they have no shame?

How do you torment an animal and call it a sport?

Matadors are a particular group of people whom I hate bitterly and don't consider worthy of life. Soulless monsters, every last one of them. And that goes for the people who watch this atrocity as well.

Furthermore, it's not even a fair fight. The matador has his fancy little spears and swords, while the bull has nothing but what nature gave him. Make the bullfighters go in with nothing but their bare hands. That would be a fair fight. Instead, the cowards hide behind weapons and torture the bull until he's an inch from death, then strike the final blow.

They're a waste of oxygen. No two ways about it. I'd like to take a few of them and ram spears into their backs in front of a cheering crowd. See how they like it from the animal's point of view.

If they want gore, fight each other. Leave animals out of it. Put two humans in a ring and watch them rip each other apart. That's one sport I would enjoy watching.

This one's possibly worst of all. Horse fighting. It happens in the Philippines, China, and God knows where else. It's like a horse lover's worst nightmare.

Two stallions are released in a pen with a mare nearby to further entice them to fight. They gore each other for the spectators' amusement and they often die. Sometimes weak or old stallions are even "sacrificed" by making them fight a much stronger horse. Horses that are too weak or injured to fight are killed and their meat sold to the crowds.


Is this not enough to make people see how cruel this is? If they want blood, make it human blood. Watching animals tear each other to pieces is inexcusable and beyond heartless.

Like I said, if you want to get a gladiator thing going, be my guest. If two guys want to beat each other to a bloody pulp, let 'em. I want front row tickets. But leave the animals out of it. God, things like this disturb me to no end.

Don't even get me started on bear baiting. It makes me ill every time I see it. I've lost hope for mankind. I can't even fathom what kind of sick bastard would find pleasure in participating in anything like that.

North America has its share of nefariousness, too. Cock fighting, dog fighting, and any other shit these ghetto rats come up with (rot in hell, Micheal Vick). American rodeos aren't great either, but don't compare to the barbarity of Mexican ones. Keep in mind, in the US, animal cruelty in any way, shape, or form is a crime. You can get your ass thrown in the slammer for it, although it's never punished severely enough. I believe in an eye for an eye. If you starve an animal, you should be starved. If you whip an animal to the point of bleeding to death, officials have the right to do the same to you. Unfortunately, law enforcement doesn't work that way. If only...

Now, who in their right mind can read this and not think there's something wrong with the world?

Why can't people be more like me?

Think about it. If everybody saw things my way, there would be no animal cruelty.

I am right. They are wrong. Humans are not in any way "better than" or "superior" to animals. We are animals ourselves. We are responsible for corrupting the world.

Stop hurting animals. Shame on all you worthless cockroaches.

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